# robots.txt User-agent: * Disallow: /*PageIndex Disallow: /*PageSize Disallow: /a/my-gunbroker Disallow: /a/list-an-item Disallow: /a/feedback Disallow: /AA/ Disallow: /Admin/ Disallow: /App_Data/ Disallow: /account/ Disallow: /ad/ Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /Auction/ Disallow: /billing/ Disallow: /bin/ Disallow: /BMP/ Disallow: /buyeroffer/ Disallow: /cart/ Disallow: /code Disallow: /coupon/create Disallow: /coupon/edit Disallow: /Checkout/ Disallow: /Config/ Disallow: /Controls/ Disallow: /creditrequests/ Disallow: /errors/ Disallow: /feedback/add Disallow: /FFL/ContactDealer.aspx Disallow: /ffl/fflsignup Disallow: /forum/ Disallow: /freedomcoin/ Disallow: /itemedit/ Disallow: /itempictures/ Disallow: /MySite/ Disallow: /newregistration/ Disallow: /offer/ Disallow: /order/ Disallow: /Registration/ Disallow: /reports/ Disallow: /paymentgateway/ Disallow: /shipping/ Disallow: /sso/ Disallow: /user/ Disallow: /verification/ Disallow: /webhandler/ Sitemap: https://www.gunbroker.com/gsmi.xml # BING/MSN sometimes hammers us. # Crawl-delay setting 1=Slow, 5=Very slow, 10=Extremely slow User-agent: bingbot Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: msnbot Crawl-delay: 1 # TurninBot is some crawler that searches the web for 'plagarism' # This does not seem like a legitimate reason to waste our bandwidth and CPU time User-agent: TurnitinBot Disallow: /